8-10½ years old
Mondays 18:00-19:30
The Cub Pack follows a programme of games and activities, as well as special outings, which is organised by the Cub Scout Leader (Akela). The youngsters work in small groups called Sixes which are led by older Cub Scouts called Sixers.

Cub Scouts enjoy a great deal of fun and adventure whilst in the Pack. They also have opportunities to gain awards and badges. These awards are given in recognition of the effort made by each youngster at their own level of development and understanding. The Cub Scout Programme includes such activities as: camping, caring for the environment, model making, cooking, First Aid, exploring and helping others.

The highlight of Cub Scouting for many is camping, which enables a broad spectrum of activities to be completed beyond those possible at the weekly meetings.

Email: Cub Scouts